Hey there,
Once again work interferes with my plans for world domination and I have to splash around outside the local watering hole to find material ;)
As today's title suggests, I went out and found some interesting pictures in an online post called the "Linux Crash Top 10 Pictures." It's apparently an answer to some sort of backlash of Windows users who take their Operating System so seriously that they actually managed to come together and whine in unison; in numbers so staggering that someone felt the need to listen and respond ;) Actually it's a pretty interesting and low-key post. Check it out for the rest of the pictures. I've included my favorites below.
You may note that most of them aren't really "crashes." But, each one does link back to the original site (if those two things can be directly related ?? ;)
Strange Linux Crash

Linux On Nintendo DS

Linux. Would you like fries with that?

Kernel Panic or normal boot? Does anyone in the audience know the difference?

, Mike
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