Hey There,
Well, sitting back and reflecting today, I realized that we've done our fair share of posts on cheat-sheets and such (Our LVM command reference, for example). However, when it comes to clustering systems, we've probably been unfair in our bias toward Veritas Clustering as opposed to SunCluster, for which we've only put up, I believe, one post with our Simple SunCluster Monitoring Script (Thankfully linked back to from The SunCluster Wiki). What's a poor blog to do? ;)
With that in mind, today we're going to lay down a quick command reference for SunCluster. Hopefully you'll find it useful and enjoy it :) Of course, it assumes that you know, mostly, how to use SunCluster (and are familiar with basic clustering concepts), but it can be used as an attractive wallpaper, if nothing else ;)
All of this information, and much more, can be found at Sun's Online Documentation Center for SunCluster.
Quorum Commands:
host # clquorum add device - Add a SCSI Quorum Device
host # clquorum add -t netapp_nas -p filer =nasdevicename,lun_id =IDnumdevice Nasdevice - Add a NAS Quorum Device
host # clquorum add -t quorumserver -p qshost =IPaddress, port =portnumber quorumservername - Add a Quorum Server
host # clquorum remove device - Remove a Quorum Device
Resource Type Commands:
host # clresourcetype register type - Register a Resource Type
host # clresourcetype unregister type - Remove a Resource Type
Resource Group Commands:
host # clresourcegroup create group - Create a Failover Resource Group
host # clresourcegroup create -S group - Create a Scalable Resource Group
host # clresourcegroup online + - Bring Online All Resource Groups
host # clresourcegroup delete group - Delete a Resource Group
host # clresourcegroup delete -F group - Delete a Resource Group and All of Its Resources
host # clresourcegroup switch -n nodename group - Switch the Current Primary Node of a Resource Group
host # clresourcegroup unmanage group - Move a Resource Group Into the UNMANAGED State
host # clresourcegroup suspend group - Suspend Automatic Recovery of a Resource Group
host # clresourcegroup resume group - Resume Automatic Recovery of a Resource Group
host # clresourcegroup set -p Failback=true + name=value - Change a Resource Group Property
host # clresourcegroup add-node -n nodename group - Add a Node To a Resource Group
host # clresourcegroup remove-node -n nodename group - Remove a Node From a Resource Group
Resource Administration Commands:
host # clreslogicalhostname create -g group lh-resource - Create a Logical Hostname Resource
host # clressharedaddress create -g group sa-resource - Create a Shared Address Resource
host # clresource create -g group -t type resource - Create a Resource
host # clresource delete resource - Remove a Resource
host # clresource disable resource - Disable a Resource
host # clresource set -t type -p name=value + - Change a Single-Value Resource Property
host # clresource set -p name+=value resource - Add a Value to a List of Property Values; Existing values in the list are unchanged.
host # clresource create -t HAStoragePlus -g group -p FileSystemMountPoints=mount-point-list -p Affinityon=true rs-hasp - Create an HAStorage Plus Resource
host # clresource clear -f STOP_FAILED resource - Clear the STOP_FAILED Error Flag on a Resource
Device Administration Commands:
host # cldevicegroup create -t vxvm -n node-list -p failback=true vxdevgrp - Add a VxVM Device Group
host # cldevicegroup delete devgrp - Remove a Device Group
host # cldevicegroup switch -n nodename devgrp - Switch a Device Group to a New Node
host # cldevicegroup offline devgrp - Bring Offline a Device Group
host # cldevice refresh diskname - Update Device IDs for the Cluster
Additional Administration and Monitoring Commands:
To add a Node to Cluster:
From the node to be added, which has access:
host # clnode add -c clustername -n nodename -e endpoint1, endpoint2 - Use this only if the node has access to the cluster
To remove a Node From the Cluster:
From the node to be removed, which is in noncluster
mode and has access:
host # clnode remove - Use this only if the node has access to the cluster
host # clnode evacuate nodename - Switch All Resource Groups and Device Groups Off of a Node
host # clinterconnect disable nodename:endpoint - Manage the Interconnect Interfaces
host # clinterconnect enable nodename:endpoint - To disable a cable so that maintenance can be performed, then enable the same cable afterward.
host # cluster status - Display the Status of All Cluster Components
host # command status - Display the Status of One Type of Cluster Component
host # cluster show - Display the Complete Cluster Configuration
host # command show Component - Display the Configuration of One Type of Cluster
host # command list - List One Type of Cluster Component
host # clnode show-rev -v - Display Sun Cluster Release and Version Information
To list the software versionson the current node.
host # clnode show | grep nodename - Map Node ID to Node Name
host # cltelemetryattribute enable -t disk rbyte.rate wbyte.rate read.rate write.rate - Enable Disk Attribute Monitoring on All Cluster Disks
host # cltelemetryattribute disable -t disk rbyte.rate wbyte.rate read.rate write.rate - Disable Disk Attribute Monitoring on All Cluster Disks
To shut Down the Entire Cluster:
host # cluster shutdown
From one node:
host # clnode evacuate
host # shutdown - Shut Down a Single Node
To boot a Single Node from the OBP:
ok> boot
To reboot a Node Into Noncluster Mode from the OBP:
ok> boot -x
, Mike
Friday, June 27, 2008
SunCluster Quick Command Reference
Posted by
Mike Golvach
12:26 AM
command, cross reference, documentation, lvm, ONLINE, solaris, sun, suncluster, unix, veritas