Hey again,,
Well, to run down the list once last time, this series of posts has gone through basic Linux and Unix installation security, even more security measures, user, group and account-based security, ensuring existing software's security and looking at additional security software. And now (finally? ;) we're ready to wrap it up by going over additional security software that you may (or may not) want to add to your list of always-installed security-enhancing programs, as well as a few extra thoughts on random things that didn't seem to fit anywhere else.
Be sure to check yesterday's system security post if you want to learn more about encap.
I'd love to be able to say that this is the end, but (like most things in life) hopefully this is just the beginning for many of you. There's always room for improvement ...I'm sounding like my Dad more and more every day ;)
9. Install John The Ripper:
Update /usr/dict/words (or your system's dictionary file) with a better wordfile.
Add “/usr/local/encap/jtr-VERSION/john.sh” (which you can grab from this post on password cracking software) to root's cron.
10. Install tripwire (This might be a bone of contention, since I still have a binary from when they used to give it out free on Solaris. As of my last test on Solaris 10, the last free release for Solaris still works adequately. If you want a copy of that last release, email us and we'll be happy to send it to you. If enough people are interested, we'll put it up here on the site along with instructions on how to get it up and running quickly and securely. It's always been free for Linux):
Copy installation binaries from the install cd, or the packaged version of the public domain software (hereafter referred to as PDSTW in parenthetical instructions).
Edit install.sh in the appropriate directory to set the base directory to /var/TSS (PDSTW - /var/tripwire).
If you’re unaware of the site and local key conventions used, please consult a member of your administration group before creating these (PDSTW - Unnecessary. Security is handled by permissions and ownership).
Create a policy file and configuration file from the examples provided with the distribution. Use other policy and config files for speed of application (PDSTW - Edit tw.config)
Edit your policy file (PDSTW – Edit tw.config) to remove any listed programs that no longer exist on your system.
Install policy and configuration files (PDSTW - Unnecessary).
Initialize the tripwire database (generally with "tripwire --init" You may need to specify -c with the location of the config file, as well).
Run tripwire.
Read the damage report.
Update the tripwire database, if necessary, and rerun until you’ve rectified all problems (PDSTW - Edit tw.config).
Add email functionality to your tripwire policy.
Reinstall the tripwire policy (PDSTW - Edit tw.config).
Add “/var/TSS/bin/tripwire --check --email-report >/dev/null 2>&1” to root's cron (PDSTW - add “/var/tripwire/tw-mailer”, or whatever you decide to call your script, to root cron).
11. Install Your Custom Log Management Scripts (These will, of course, vary, since you'll be putting all your log-rotating/removing scripts here. You wrote them, so, I can't name them specifically ;):
mkdir /var/logs
Copy over the logging encap package to /usr/local/encap.
Add all your log scripts to root's cron.
Add “/usr/bin/find /var/logs/ -type f –mtime +30 –exec rm {} \;” to root's cron, if you want to remove log files after they get a month (give-or-take-a-day) old.
12. Install EGD:
The entire program consists of one file: /usr/local/encap/perl-VERSION/bin/egd.pl
Create a startup script for egd and place it in /etc/init.d. Make appropriate links to it in /etc/rc2.d and /etc/rc0.d. (NOTE: This service must be initialized before SSH in the startup sequence. It should also be killed after SSH in the shutdown sequence. If you are using the OpenSSH/SSH that came with your system, this part doesn't matter)
13. Install OpenSSH (Version 5.0p1 or later):
The package you've put together should include OpenSSH, OpenSSL and zlib. Ensure all are available, or OpenSSH’s programs will not run properly
Review the documentation on creating host-keys.
Create host keys.
/usr/local/encap/openssh-5.0p1/bin/ssh-keygen -b 1024 -f /usr/local/encap/openssh-5.0p1/ssh/ssh_host_key -N ''; /usr/local/encap/openssh-5.0p1/bin/ssh-keygen -b 1024 -f /usr/local/encap/openssh-5.0p1/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key -N '';/usr/local/encap/openssh-5.0p1/bin/ssh-keygen -d -f /usr/local/encap/openssh-5.0p1/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key -N ''
Edit /usr/local/encap/openssh-5.0p1/etc/sshd_config. Set PermitRootLogin no, X11-Forwarding no and PrintMotd yes.
Be sure that all unnecessary r-services that can be replaced with s-services are not still functional on the machine.
14. Minimally setup ntpd or xntpd:
Create a startup script in /etc/init.d and link it to the appropriate place in /etc/rc2.d.
Add “/usr/sbin/ntpdate TIMESERVER >/dev/null 2>&1” to root's cron, unless xntpd has already been set up.
15. Install the tcp-wrappers encap package.
16. Install the wu-ftpd (proftpd, vsftpd, etc) encap package – if necessary.
Change the appropriate line in /etc/inetd.conf to use /usr/local/sbin/in.ftpd –da.
Edit /usr/local/lib/ftpd/ftpaccess to the particular machines specifications.
17. Install The Coroner’s ToolKit encap package.
18. Install the chkrootkit Root Kit and/or worm/trojan checking package of your choice (install two, they're free ;).
19. Install the Top encap package.
20. Install the environment-specific Perl package.
21. Install the lsof encap package.
22. Install the sudo encap package.
Set it up initially to allow no privileges whatsoever. Modify, per the sudo online manual pages, to suit your site requirements.
21. Build and install the Uptime (Big Brother, Nagios, cfenginge or other monitoring software) client for your server. This will most likely be provided to you in pkg format.
22. Install the NetBackup client, or whatever backup software is necessary for the environment your machine exists in and be sure to coordinate your efforts with the administrator of the backup host you will be using.
23. Build and install any additional packages required by your particular environment. Be sure to build them to encapped specifications so that you can manage all software centrally and with greater ease.
24. Remove any unnecessary packages on the machine. This may be a double or triple check for you ;)
25. Edit /etc/vfstab on Solaris (/etc/fstab on RedHat) to mount /usr read only (Only if the machine is not heavily developed upon and /usr is a separate mount point and is not being used to house any files of a volatile nature, such as if /usr/local/ does not have its own mount point).
26. Lock passwords (e.g. passwd –l accountName) for bin, sys, adm, daemon, nobody, nobody4, noaccess and any other system accounts that do not have password locking on by default. This is a double check, again, but during the course of customization things may have been added that weren't on your system initially. Best bet, since the default system accounts differ based on OS version, is to cat /etc/passwd and lock passwords for all accounts with a UID under 100, except for root, of course. On RedHat and Open Solaris, be sure to check above uid 100, too)
27. chmod 4550 /usr/bin/su – generally only on administration-team-owned or production machines – otherwise make sure permissions are 4755.
28. chown root:yourAdminGroup /usr/bin/su – generally only on administration-team-owned or production machines – otherwise make sure ownership is set root:other on Solaris or root:root on RedHat.
29. If running a web server, be sure to include the following lines (Apache specific – use equivalent for Netscape, Tomcat, JBoss, etc) to the main directory directives:
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
30. Create additional init scripts for any products that need to start up at boot time (i.e. Interbase, Uptime, Oracle, NetBackup, etc. This may be obviated by your Jumpstart or Kickstart image but may be necessary (on a per-software-package basis) if doing a manual installation).
31. Reboot the Machine over and over again, while keeping tabs on your console output, until you're satisfied that you've done your best :)
Excellent Job! :)
, Mike