Hey there and a fine Friday to you!
After this week, we probably all need a laugh (I'm being presumptuous in assuming your week was at least 51% miserable, too ;)
This quick and easy-to-digest post is only peripherally related to Linux and/or Unix, but I think we've all been subjected to those ridiculous (and sometimes framed) posters designed to inspire us to, apparently, never stop and wonder "What the Hell am I doing here?" ;)
The following set of pictures are just a few of the ones I like. They're not the real-deal schmaltzy pseudo-inspirational kitsch that you see in the office (inevitably located somewhere in between your cube and the bathroom ;). These demotivational posters, and more, can be found on Despair.com. Definitely give that site a look if a good laugh is all that's standing between you and an act of data center vandalism that you'll, ultimately, regret ;)
Enjoy :)

, Mike
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