Hey there,
As this week wraps up, I thought I'd put out the last few things I've been toying around with. Today, we've got a Perl script for you that will take an RPM (From Linux) and convert it to a Solaris datastream pkg file. Of course, we've got the opposite (just like we have the opposite of our post on creating Solaris pkg files from already installed content, which we'll post in the next few days. That might be a more useful script than this one (you might actually "need" to recreate a Linux RPM from what's on your box more often), but I thought this script was kind of cool :)
Basically, you can take any Linux RPM (I tested against RedHat AS and SUSE 9), feed it to this script, like so:
host # ./rpm2pkg PROGRAM-3.2-1.rpm
and end up with your own valid Solaris pkg file named:
My thought was that this might be useful, since one of the commands used inside it (rpm2cpio) is already included in Solaris 9 and 10. For architecture-independent, and binary compatible, programs, there obviously exists a need to convert Linux RPM's to a cpio archive that can then be extracted to the local filesystem on a Solaris machine. In my mind, the logical next step would be to skip ahead and create a valid Solaris datastream pkg file from that cpio output. This way, the process could be completed once and then distributed easily as a single pkg installation file to all of your Solaris servers:)
The script works, as mentioned above, by using rpm2cpio to extract the Linux RPM's contents and then using the "strings" command on the actual RPM to extract all the header information that we require to seed the "pkginfo" file. The prototype file is the easiest necessary pkgmk file to create since you just have to use find and pkgproto on the extracted rpm2cpio output.
If you want to be able to tweak this more to your liking, there's a lot more information about the Solaris pkg making process in our previous posts on building Solaris pkg files quickly and, more theoretically, what you need to know to create your own Solaris pkg files.
Enjoy the script and have fun trying to get Linux binaries to run on your Solaris box (Hint: You're success rate will be much greater on Solaris 10, since they're finally buying into "open source" :)
Best wishes,
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License#!/usr/bin/perl
# rpm2pkg - creating Solaris pkg files from Linux rpm's
# 2008 - Mike Golvach - eggi@comcast.net
# Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License
system("rpm2cpio ../$rpm|cpio -dim");
$proto_list=`find . -print|pkgproto|grep -v prototype`;
open(TMP_FILE, ">>prototype");
print TMP_FILE "i pkginfo\n";
print TMP_FILE $proto_list;
@pkg_info=`strings ../$rpm`;
$count = 0;
foreach (@pkg_info) {
if ( $_ =~ /\# \@\(\#\)BegWS/ ) {
push(@rpm_info, $_);
} elsif ( $_ =~ /\# \@\(\#\)EndWS/ ) {
} elsif ( $count > 0 ) {
push(@rpm_info, $_);
$uname_s = `uname -s`;
$uname_r = `uname -r`;
$uname_p = `uname -p`;
$pkg_name = $rpm;
$pkg_name =~ s/\.rpm//;
chomp $uname_s;
chomp $uname_r;
chomp $uname_p;
chomp $rpm_info[1];
chomp $rpm_info[2];
chomp $rpm_info[5];
chomp $rpm_info[12];
open(PKGINFO, ">>pkginfo");
print PKGINFO "SUNW_PRODNAME=\"$uname_s\"\n";
print PKGINFO "SUNW_PRODVERS=\"$uname_r\"\n";
print PKGINFO "SUNW_PKGTYPE=\"usr\"\n";
print PKGINFO "PKG=\"$pkg_name\"\n";
print PKGINFO "NAME=\"$rpm_info[2]\"\n";
print PKGINFO "VERSION=\"$rpm_info[5]\"\n";
print PKGINFO "VENDOR=\"$rpm_info[1]\"\n";
print PKGINFO "ARCH=\"$uname_p\"\n";
print PKGINFO "EMAIL=\"me@xyz.com\"\n";
print PKGINFO "CATEGORY=\"application\"\n";
print PKGINFO "BASEDIR=/\n";
print PKGINFO "DESC=\"$rpm_info[12]\"\n";
print PKGINFO "PSTAMP=\"Your Name Here\"\n";
print PKGINFO "CLASSES=\"none\"\n";
system("pkgmk -o -b `pwd` -d /tmp");
system("pkgtrans -o -s /tmp `pwd`/${pkg_name}.pkg $pkg_name");
system("mv ${pkg_name}.pkg ../");
system("cd ../;pwd;rm -r $tmp_dir");
, Mike
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