Hey again,
Today we're going to take a quick look at how to patch your Solaris server from the network (not version-specific, unless you're still using 2.4 in which case I don't remember how to help you, although I'm almost positive the answer is similar ;)
The first question you might be asking yourself is "Why in the world would I ever want, or even need, to do this?" Since I'm a somewhat-honest guy who writes from the hip, I'll tell you that, depending upon where you work and what kind of setup you have there, you may never ever need to do this. If (worst case) you can get a console connection to your server (which you'll need for this method, anyway) and have onsite staff that can pop a cd in a working drive, you probably wouldn't even want to do this. So, the simple answer is: Why not? If the unlikely situation arises (and, if you're reading this in the distant future, it just might have ;), you'll know how to do it. If you set yourself up correctly, it's just one more way to get around having to come into the office in the middle of the night :)
The first thing you'll want to do is to set up a boot server or a jumpstart server. Since that topic is fairly lengthy to go over, and we've already gone over it at length, please check out this old post on begin and finish script variable definitions for Solaris' jumpstart. It's actually the last part of a series of posts on Jumpstart, but, since it wasn't posted in backward chronological order, the last link (this one) connects back to all the previous posts. You can also get a feel for some of your extended options (on both the jumpstart server and the jumpstart client) in these posts on jumpstart booting.
The second thing to do would be to ensure that you have the patch bundle you need either on the local machine, on a partition that would normally get mounted in single user mode (if you can, put them in a subdirectory of / - but only if you have the space. /usr and /var "should" always be good candidates for placement, as well, but I've done this a couple times under conditions so crippling it took me months before I could walk upright again ;). Having your patches available when you get into single user mode (with no networking) is of vital importance when you want to patch your server. Did that sound redundant? Good; because it was ;)
Now, assuming you've prepped your Jumpstart server, and have it all set up to service your client (the machine we're going to patch), it's a simple matter to get things started on your end (We'll assume that you have either a console, ALOM or other such connection to your patch client server so that you won't get disconnected from it when it goes to PROM and can interact with it at any run level or phase). The following should suffice to get the whole shebang (not to be confused with shebang ;) started:
host # id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root)
host # init 0
ok> boot net -s
And we're off. Once your server has successfully booted into single user mode on your Jumpstart, or Boot, server (see above for links to more information regarding those details), you can begin going about your business and, hopefully, finishing well before the time you promised you'd be done.
First (or is it third?), after you've booted into single user mode (no networking) and verified that you can access your patches, be sure to stop any and all unnecessary services. Most of them should be gone, but a simple "ps -ef" and "df -k" to verify that no one snuck in an init script or mount at a run level you wouldn't normally suspect might save you some headache later, and it'll probably only take about 2 or 3 minutes at most, even if you have to "terminate" a process or two. Also be sure to mount any partitions that need to be mounted if, for some reason, they don't get mounted automatically. You should get errors, when you attempt to patch, that will indicate what you need to fix if something is wrong in this regard, but it's usually best just to have things ready and not take the chance that Sun forgot to put an error-check in a script somewhere!
And the rest (much like this post) is academic. The general procedure (assuming you've downloaded a recommended patch bundle from Sun and have it in the directory /patches (or something similar), would go something like this (although possibly slightly differently if you're running Solaris 10 with zones, which case you should check out that hyperlink a few words back:
host # cd /patches
host # ./install_cluster
... < wait and watch, or go away and come back - just make sure you see all the error messages. Most will probably be inconsequential if you're using a generic recommended patch cluster ("software that the patch patches isn't installed" or "greater revision of patch already installed" are technically errors, but can be safely ignored.
host # reboot -- -r
And, that should be that :) Remember, this is actually a much longer post, if you need to go back to the referenced posts and get details for all of the parts. I thought it would be nice to have everything in one place (or linked to one place) finally, with regards to this topic, so I wrote this patch-work wire-frame mockery of a sham ;)
Have fun patching and be sure to do it, at the very least, more often than the Cicadas hatch ;)
, Mike
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